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Nagios Download Hier dreht sich alles um Nagios und Icinga, dessen Installation und Konfiguration, Config-Tools, Plugins, Addons und alles was sonst noch damit zu tun hat. / Here
Choose ldap plugin. edit the ldap authentication with the below settings. Host: <fully qualified domainname> Port: 389 LDAP V3: Yes
check nrpe alias disk
10.2. NRPE - Icinga - Open Source.
Nagios Windows Client
20.10.2010 · Olá amigos, continuando nossa série de artigos sobre o Nagios hoje vou mostrar como utilizar o programa NRPE. O NRPE possibilita executarmos plugins
check_nt MEMUSE - Richard Gliebe -.
Projektdokumentation Thema des Projektes: Überwachung der von der Firma eingesetzten Server Name: Sascha Schwarz Datum der
Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (or NRPE for short) is an addon used to execute plugins to monitor "local" resources on remote (Linux/Unix) systems.
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Hi all, check_nt -v MEMUSE shows me the complete memory (physical memory + page.sys) from the 64bit Windows Clients, which are using NSClient++ 2009-10-12.

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